Pinocchio Movie Night

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Continuing our enchanting movie night series, we dove into the timeless tale of “Pinocchio” for our second feature. Released in 1940, this classic had yet to be discovered by the children. Their excitement was palpable, especially since they were familiar with the characters from theme park visits but not the story itself. “Pinocchio” offers a treasure trove of valuable lessons wrapped in its engaging narrative.

To complement the viewing, we opted for fun, themed snacks that were simple to prepare but delightful in theme. We served pretzels cleverly dubbed “Pinocchio’s Nose,” chocolate-covered raisins called “Jiminy Crickets,” and whale-shaped crackers to represent “Monstro.” The children had a great time mixing these into a unique trail mix. Although we searched for star-shaped marshmallows to echo the iconic “When you wish upon a star,” we weren’t successful, yet the spirit of the theme still shone through.

For those looking to expand their movie night menu, other creative ideas include serving Stromboli to nod to the film’s villainous puppet master, using goldfish crackers for “Cleo” the goldfish, and offering blue punch as “Blue Fairy Juice.” Cotton candy could also be a whimsical treat to represent the lure of Pleasure Island. My personal favorite idea for next time is to create a magical snack by dipping large pretzel rods in melted white chocolate and sprinkling them with blue sprinkles to mimic the Blue Fairy’s wand.

As we continue our family movie nights, each film not only brings us together but also sparks creativity in how we celebrate these beloved stories. Stay tuned for more adventures as we explore the rich tapestry of Disney classics.

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